Eu não dançarei sem você

Color photo of Renata and Rodrigo, tap dancers from the cast, wearing colorful overalls and white gloves up to their elbows. They point their fingers to different places. Above the photo, the title “I will not dance without you”.

In a space-time where age, gender, talent or body culture do not matter.

This is an almost class presentation. Or an almost spectacle class. The invitation is made by the dance itself. In a space-time where age, gender, talent or body culture do not matter. A multi-age interaction that attends to the diversity of bodies and that, through playfulness, invites those present to become present in the dance in a rhythmically intuitive way. It's an interactive game. A way to play. And if the public plays, it becomes an artist.
15 min
For kids of all ages
Color photo of the legs of Rodrigo and Renata, cast members, on two square wooden platforms. They wear tap shoes.
Color photo the legs of Rodrigo, the cast dancer, on a square wooden platform. He wears black tap shoes.
Color photo of Renata, the cast dancer, in colorful overalls. She smiles with her palms together in front of her face.
Color photo of the show with tap dancer Renata from the back and tap dancer Rodrigo, from the front, clapping with each other. Rodrigo is smiling. In the background, the Washington illuminator, with a black beard and mustache, watches the scene.


Creators and Interpreters
Renata Defina and Rodrigo Lima
Scenic Provocation
Tais Balieiro
Collaboration in Libras
Lucas Rafael
Lucas Batista
Audiovisual Production
Nave Mãe Filmes

We act in search of spreading tap dance as a non-elitist art.

Many years ago, this collective chose to remain in the interior and contribute to the decentralization of artistic productions.